Deserts of Kharak is one of the biggest strategy games

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Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak Review


Most people equate playing Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak to be like settling into a comfortable, old easy chair, taking quick successive sips of a fine whiskey. Since we all know the taste of this kind of whiskey, it is more probable that you will be ordering a zillion tanks just to blow the ever-loving crap out of all that stand on your way!

Despite being one of the oldest planet games, the high-level and real-time strategy mechanics in Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak felt intuitive and familiar. The above is one of the incredible RTS games that you will able get bearing very quickly and develop a quick understanding of all the different core controls and unit types with minimal fuss.

As you continue playing the above game, you will get to enjoy highly entertaining multiplayer and downright blast of a campaign, which scarcely sags in engaging and excitement unveiling ever-evolving combat from the start to the end!




Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak Features

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak is a prolog to one of the leading and biggest strategy games to have even been developed, and it takes place during a period that has been extensively covered in the two or three games that have come before it. Inherently, the above RTS game is set over one hundred years before the events of famous Homeworld. If you a fun of these games, then you can remember this is the time during the quest for the first anomaly or rather, the Khar-Toba.

Despite the fact that it was set some years down the line, it is still an incredibly strong strategy game, and there’s no doubt that it is part of Homeworld franchise. Although it is set on the planet, which most people could imagine it is hard to be a Homeworld game, it has managed to be more like the originals than any other RTS games.

The characters in the above game are motivated by survival skills, searching for an ‘anomaly’ that they believe will save them from the growing dehydration and starvation that are hurting the population in the desert. Most of the vehicles in the above game are Land Rovers of varying sizes, with abilities limited to long-range launchers and smoke screens. It is straightforward and so simple that only jarring element in the Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak game seems to be the endless desert.




It is unbelievable that Deserts of Kharak does not feel too static bearing in mind that it takes place on a long road trip through the undulating desert where you fight the same opponent/enemy, the Gaalesian, repeatedly. Indeed, each game level requires its strategies and multiple steps to clear each obstacle.

If you think you are short of ideas, the game drops some hints, and sometimes, it reveals ultimate systems and techniques over time. Well, as the team unveils more technologies as they move across the desert, more upgrades and vehicles are unlocked.

For Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, it feels like the destination is crucial that the journey itself. In the game, there’re at least 13 missions to cover, which takes as little as few minutes to over an hour or so, but it depends on your skill level.